Germany has been on a tightrope of tensionwire for far too long ,While the dislocated youth that gather under the banners of a better tomorrow listen to the preaching of many paupers on the pulpit and glare in hatred at the establishment that shows the postwar decay of the 19th century despite the dogma the song remains the same .
Hand to mouth ,Fist to face ,Boot to ass it all rings in under the discontented era of the Anarchist which is the witnessing of the youth rising against the bloated fat carcass of rotting governmental systems that have not worked for far too long and were even instituted by the very forces that vaporized entire cities ran German citizens into the dirt and firebombed Dresden just because they could ,Yes these are the remnants of the pestilence that perpetuated their pogroms upon the people and now we are witnessing the bitter acidic remnants of it,s death throes whining and last desperate days before another discontented protagonist from and of the people take his rightful place and lead Germany into it,s new era of enigmatic glory !!!888
wie mensch unschwer erkennen kann hat die DKMcrew den berlin-anschmieren-contest durch die häufigkeit, der hier erschienenen bilder, gewonnen. wir freuen uns über viele aufkleber und plakate, die im aufruf dessen zugesagt wurden und hoffen auch weiterhin viele solcher aktionen ungeschädigt weiterhin durchführen zu können. vielen dank im vorraus und immer schön „DeutschlandKaputtMachen“…
Germany has been on a tightrope of tensionwire for far too long ,While the dislocated youth that gather under the banners of a better tomorrow listen to the preaching of many paupers on the pulpit and glare in hatred at the establishment that shows the postwar decay of the 19th century despite the dogma the song remains the same .
Hand to mouth ,Fist to face ,Boot to ass it all rings in under the discontented era of the Anarchist which is the witnessing of the youth rising against the bloated fat carcass of rotting governmental systems that have not worked for far too long and were even instituted by the very forces that vaporized entire cities ran German citizens into the dirt and firebombed Dresden just because they could ,Yes these are the remnants of the pestilence that perpetuated their pogroms upon the people and now we are witnessing the bitter acidic remnants of it,s death throes whining and last desperate days before another discontented protagonist from and of the people take his rightful place and lead Germany into it,s new era of enigmatic glory !!!888
wie mensch unschwer erkennen kann hat die DKMcrew den berlin-anschmieren-contest durch die häufigkeit, der hier erschienenen bilder, gewonnen. wir freuen uns über viele aufkleber und plakate, die im aufruf dessen zugesagt wurden und hoffen auch weiterhin viele solcher aktionen ungeschädigt weiterhin durchführen zu können. vielen dank im vorraus und immer schön „DeutschlandKaputtMachen“…
Boah ey, voll krass wie sind die denn da rangekommen? supi crew, die sieht mensch echt überall…